An x in the M (Modify) column means you can change the property. An x in the S column means you can use the property with the SyntaxFromSQL method. When (exp) is included in the description, you can specify a DataWindow expression as the value for that property.
Property for the DataWindow |
M |
S |
Description |
All general properties. |
List of bands. |
x |
Color, height, and so on for a band, where bandname is Detail, Footer, Header, Summary, Trailer, or TreeView.Level. |
x |
Rich text content where bandname is Detail, Footer, or Header. |
x |
Name of the icon file for a node in a TreeView DataWindow level band when the icon is in the collapsed state. |
x |
x |
Background color. |
Number of columns. |
x |
Settings for a crosstab DataWindow. |
x |
Settings that specify the physical path to which a generated CSS style sheet is published and the URL where the style sheet is located. |
Description of data. |
Description of the data and format of the DataWindow in HTML format. |
Description of the data in the DataWindow in HTML table format. |
A string containing the row data content of the DataWindow object in XHTML format. |
A string containing the row data content of the DataWindow object in XML format. |
A string containing the full document type definition (DTD) of the XML output for a DataWindow object. |
A string containing the full schema of the XML output of a DataWindow object. |
A string containing browser-specific JavaScript that performs the XSLT transformation on the browser after the XML Web DataWindow generator generates all necessary components. |
A string containing XSL Formatting Objects (XSL-FO) that represents the data and presentation of the DataWindow object. |
x |
Default level of expansion for the TreeView DataWindow. |
x |
Color, height, and so on for the detail band. |
x |
Settings for EditMask edit style. |
x |
Name of the icon file for a node in a TreeView DataWindow level band when the icon is in the collapsed state. |
x |
Setting that enables you to specify the PostScript printer driver settings used when data is exported to PDF using the Distill! method. |
Setting that determines whether data is exported to PDF from a DataWindow object by printing to a PostScript file and distilling to PDF, or by saving in XSL Formatting Objects (XSL-FO) format and processing to PDF. |
x |
Setting that enables you to send a DataWindow object directly to a printer using platform-independent Java printing when using the XSL-FO method to export to PDF. This is an option of the Apache FOP processor. |
The number of XHTML export templates associated with a DataWindow object. |
The name of an XHTML export template associated with a DataWindow object. |
x |
Setting that optionally controls the logical structure of the XHTML generated by a DataWindow object from a DataWindow data expression using dot notation. |
x |
Setting that causes elements, attributes, and all other items above the Detail Start element in an XML export template for a group DataWindow to be iterated for each group in the exported XML. |
x |
Setting that determines whether the XML document is formatted by inserting whitespace characters (carriage returns, linefeeds, tabs, and spacebar spaces). |
x |
Setting that controls the type of metadata generated with the XML exported from a DataWindow object using the SaveAs method or a .Data.XML expression. |
x |
Setting that controls the storage format for the metadata generated with the XML exported from a DataWindow object using the SaveAs method or a .Data.XML expression. |
The number of XML export templates associated with a DataWindow object. |
The name of an XML export template associated with a DataWindow object. |
x |
Setting that optionally controls the logical structure of the XML exported from a DataWindow object using the SaveAs method or the .Data.XML property. |
The row number of the first displayed row. |
x |
Treat fonts as display or printer. |
|| |
x |
Color, height, and so on for the footer band (see in this table). |
x |
Whether the user can drag to reposition columns. |
x |
Options for lines in grid DataWindow and crosstab. |
x |
Color, height, and so on for a group’s header band. |
x |
Color, height, and so on for the header band. |
x |
Help settings for DataWindow actions. |
x |
Whether a gray line displays at page boundaries. |
Width of scroll box in the horizontal scroll bar. |
Width of second scroll box when scroll bar is split. |
x |
Position of the scroll box in the scroll bar. |
x |
Position of scroll box in second split scroll bar. |
x |
The position of the split in the scroll bar. |
x |
(exp) Whether HTML for the DataWindow is interactive and coordinated with a server component for retrievals and updates. |
x |
(exp) Settings for HTML generation. |
x |
Settings for the display of DataWindow data when displayed in HTML table format. |
x |
Setting that determines whether import trace information is written to a log file. |
x |
Specifies the name and location of an import trace file. |
x |
Setting that optionally controls the logical structure of the XML imported from an XML file to a DataWindow object using the ImportFile method. |
x |
Position of the state icon that indicates the level of the node in the TreeView DataWindow. |
x |
Settings that specify the physical path to which generated JavaScript is published and the URL indicating the location of the generated JavaScript. |
x |
x |
Settings for the Label presentation style. |
The last visible row on the page. |
x |
x |
The title of the dialog box that displays errors. |
Whether the DataWindow has nested reports. |
x |
Determines whether an error message is displayed to the user. |
The controls in the DataWindow. |
x |
Settings for the DataWindow as OLE client. |
x |
(exp) The pointer when over the DataWindow. |
x |
Various settings for print preview. |
x |
x |
Various settings for printing. |
x |
The currently selected printer. |
Processing required by the presentation style. |
x |
Whether the DataWindow is in query mode. |
x |
Whether to sort the result set from the query. |
x |
Whether the DataWindow is read-only. |
x |
Whether to retrieve data only as needed. |
x |
Settings for a RichText DataWindow. |
x |
Whether user can change the height of rows. |
x |
Number of rows in each column of N-Up style. |
x |
List of selected controls. |
List of selected data. |
x |
Whether user can use the mouse to select. |
x |
Whether user can use the mouse to select a node in a TreeView DataWindow. |
x |
Whether lines display to connect parents and children in a TreeView DataWindow. |
x |
(exp) Display column names instead of data. |
x |
Whether lines connecting leaf nodes to their parent display in a TreeView DataWindow. |
x |
Whether tree node icons for level and detail bands display in a TreeView DataWindow. |
x |
(exp) The repeating columns to be suppressed. |
x |
Vertical alignment of the state icon in a TreeView DataWindow. |
The amount of storage used by DataWindow. |
The default page size for DataWindow storage. |
x |
Color, height, and so on for the summary band. |
The syntax of the DataWindow. |
The data of the DataWindow in parse format. |
x |
Whether the syntax has been modified. |
x |
Various settings for the database. |
x |
Stored procedures for update activity. |
x |
x |
The milliseconds between timer events. |
x |
Color, height, and so on for a group’s trailer band. |
x |
File name of the tree node icon in the detail band of a TreeView DataWindow. |
x |
The unit of measure for the DataWindow. |
The height of the scroll box in the scroll bar. |
x |
The position of the scroll box in the scroll bar. |
x |
A string that identifies the browser in which XHTML generated within an XSLT style sheet is displayed. |
x |
Settings that specify the physical path to which XML is published and the URL referenced by the JavaScript that transforms the XML to XHTML. |
x |
Settings that specify the physical path to which the generated XSLT style sheet is published and the URL referenced by the JavaScript that transforms the XML to XHTML. |
x |
The scaling percentage of the DataWindow. |