Whether you can use a mouse-click to select a tree node.
TreeView DataWindows
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe and Modify argument:
"DataWindow.Tree.SelectNodeByMouse{ = value }"
Parameter |
Description |
value |
A boolean value that indicates whether you can select a tree node by clicking the node with the mouse. Values are:
Select the Select Node By Mouse check box on the General page in the Properties view if you want to select a tree node by clicking the node with the mouse.
if cbx_selectnodebymouse.checked then ls_selectnodebymouse='yes' else ls_selectnodebymouse='no' end if ls_ret=dw_1.modify("datawindow.tree.selectnodebymouse='"+ls_selectnodebymouse+"'") if len(ls_ret)>0 then Messagebox("",ls_ret) end if
ls_selectnodebymouse=dw_1.Describe("datawindow.tree. selectnodebymouse") if lower(ls_selectnodebymouse)='no' then cbx_selectnodebymouse.checked=false else cbx_selectnodebymouse.checked=true end if
ls_selectnodebymouse=dw_1.object.datawindow.tree. selectnodebymouse if lower(ls_selectnodebymouse)='no' then cbx_selectnodebymouse.checked=false else cbx_selectnodebymouse.checked=true end if
if cbx_selectnodebymouse.checked then ls_selectnodebymouse='yes' else ls_selectnodebymouse='no' end if dw_1.object.datawindow.tree.selectnodebymouse= ls_selectnodebymouse