

Setting that optionally controls the logical structure of the XML exported from a DataWindow object using the SaveAs method or the .Data.XML property.

Applies to

DataWindow objects


PowerBuilder dot notation:


Describe and Modify argument:

"DataWindow.Export.XML.UseTemplate { = 'value ' }"




(exp) A string specifying the name of an export template previously saved in the DataWindow painter for the specified DataWindow object


This property should be set to specify the logical structure of the XML generated before you call the SaveAs method with XML! as the SaveAsType to save data as an XML document, or use the .Data.XML expression to save data as an XML string.

In the painter

On the Data Export page in the Properties view for the DataWindow object, select XML from the Format to Configure list and select a template from the Use Template list.


Example 1

This example stores the name of the export template used in dw_1 in the string ls_template. If no template is selected in dw_1, an empty string is returned.

string ls_template_name
ls_template_name = dw_1.Describe("DataWindow.Export.XML.UseTemplate")

Example 2

This example sets the name of the current XML export template used in dw_1 to t_report. If t_report does not exist, the current template is not changed.

dw_1.Modify("DataWindow.Export.XML.UseTemplate = 't_report' ")

See also