

Setting that optionally controls the logical structure of the XHTML generated by a DataWindow object from a DataWindow data expression using dot notation.

Applies to

DataWindow objects


PowerBuilder dot notation:


Describe and Modify argument:

"DataWindow.Export.XHTML.UseTemplate { = 'value ' }"




(exp) A string specifying the name of an XHTML export template previously saved in the DataWindow painter for the specified DataWindow object


This property uses a template defined in the DataWindow painter to specify the logical structure and attribute overrides that PowerBuilder should use to generate XHTML from a DataWindow object. It is designed to be used with the data expression for the DataWindow object, and should be set before a data expression statement.

In the painter

On the Data Export page in the Properties view for the DataWindow object, select XHTML from the Format to Configure list and select a template from the Use Template list.


Example 1

This example stores the name of the export template used in dw_1 in the string ls_template. If no template is selected in dw_1, an empty string is returned.

string ls_template_name
ls_template_name = dw_1.Describe("DataWindow.Export.XHTML.UseTemplate")

Example 2

This example sets the name of the current XHTML export template used in dw_1 to t_report. If t_report does not exist, the current template is not changed.

dw_1.Modify("DataWindow.Export.XHTML.UseTemplate = 't_report' ")

See also