

Setting that causes elements, attributes, and all other items above the Detail Start element in an XML export template for a group DataWindow to be iterated for each group in the exported XML.

Applies to

DataWindow objects


PowerBuilder dot notation:


Describe and Modify argument:

"DataWindow.Export.XML.HeadGroups { = 'value ' }"




(exp) Whether the contents of the header section in an export template iterate in the generated XML. Values are:

  • Yes – The header section is repeated for each group (default).

  • No – The header section is not repeated.


This property must be set for group DataWindow objects if you want elements and other items added to the header section of an XML export template to be repeated before each group in the exported XML. For DataWindow objects with multiple groups, each XML fragment in the header section between a Group Header element and the next Group Header element or Detail Start element is iterated.

In the painter

On the Data Export page in the Properties view for the DataWindow object, select XML from the Format to Configure list and select Iterate header for Groups.


Example 1

dw_1.Object.DataWindow.Export.XML.HeadGroups = "Yes"
dw_1.Modify("DataWindow.Export.XML.HeadGroups = 'No' ")