
Settings for customizing the Help topics associated with DataWindow dialog boxes.

For more information about Help, see the ShowHelp function in the PowerScript Reference.

Applies to



PowerBuilder dot notation:

Describe and Modify argument:

" { = value }"




A property for specifying DataWindow Help. Help properties and their settings are listed in the table below. The File property must have a valid file name before the rest of the Help property settings can become valid.


The value to be assigned to the property. For Help properties, value cannot be a DataWindow expression.

Property for Help



An integer specifying the type of Help command that is specified in the following TypeID properties. Values are:

  • 0 – Index

  • 1 – TopicID

  • 2 – Search keyword


A string containing the fully qualified name of the compiled Help file (for example, C:\proj\MYHELP.HLP). When this property has a value, Help buttons display on the DataWindow dialog boxes at runtime.


A string specifying the default Help command to be used when a Help topic is not specified for the dialog using one of the following eight dialog-specific properties listed in this table.

TypeID. ImportFile

A string specifying the Help topic for the Import File dialog box, which might display when the ImportFile method is called in code.

TypeID.Retrieve. Argument

A string specifying the Help topic for the Retrieval Arguments dialog box, which displays when retrieval arguments expected by the DataWindow’s SELECT statement are not specified for the Retrieve method in code.

TypeID.Retrieve. Criteria

A string specifying the Help topic for the Prompt for Criteria dialog box, which displays when the Criteria properties have been turned on for at least one column and the Retrieve method is called in code.


A string specifying the Help topic for the Save As dialog box, which might display when the SaveAs method is called in code.

TypeID. SetCrosstab

A string specifying the Help topic for the Crosstab Definition dialog box, which might display when the CrosstabDialog method is called in code.


A string specifying the Help topic for the Set Filter dialog box, which might display when the SetFilter and Filter methods are called in code.


A string specifying the Help topic for the Set Sort dialog box, which might display when the SetSort and Sort methods are called in code.

TypeID. SetSortExpr

A string specifying the Help topic for the Modify Expression dialog, which displays when the user double-clicks on a column in the Set Sort dialog.


In the painter

Can be set only in code, not in the painter.


Example 1

string setting

setting = dw_1.Object.DataWindow.Help.Command

dw_1.Object.DataWindow.Help.File = "myhelp.hlp"

dw_1.Object.DataWindow.Help.Command = 1

Example 2

setting = dw_1.Describe("DataWindow.Help.Command")



dw_1.Modify( "DataWindow.Help.TypeID.SetFilter = 'filter_topic'")

dw_1.Modify("DataWindow.Help.TypeID.Retrieve.Criteria = 'criteria_topic'")