

Whether the control’s width should be held constant and its height adjusted so that all the data is visible. This property is for use with read-only controls and printed reports. It should not be used with data entry fields or controls.

Applies to

Column, Computed Field, Report, and Text controls


PowerBuilder dot notation:


Describe and Modify argument:

"controlname.Height.AutoSize { = value }"




The control for which you want to get or set the AutoSize property.


Whether the width or height of the control will be adjusted to display all the data. The height is limited to what can fit on the page. Values are:

  • No – Use the height defined in the painter.

  • Yes – Calculate the height so that all the data is visible.


In the painter

Select the control and set the value in the Properties view, Position tab, Autosize Height check box.

Minimum height

The height of the column, computed field, or text will never be less than the minimum height (the height selected in the painter).

When the band has Autosize Height set to true, you should avoid using the RowHeight DataWindow expression function to set the height of any element in the row. Doing so can result in a logical inconsistency between the height of the row and the height of the element. For more information, see the RowHeight function description.


Example 1

string setting

setting = dw_1.Object.empname.Height.AutoSize

dw_1.Object.empname.Height.AutoSize = "Yes"

Example 2

setting = dw_1.Describe("empname.Height.AutoSize")


See also
