The number of XML export templates associated with a DataWindow object.
DataWindow objects
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe argument:
This property is used to get a count of the XML export templates associated with a DataWindow object. It returns a long specifying the number of XML export templates previously saved in the DataWindow painter for the specified DataWindow object. The count is used with the DataWindow.Export.XML.Template[ ].Name property to enable an application to select an export template at runtime.
This code in the open event of a window uses the TemplateCount property to get the number of templates associated with dw_1. It then uses the number returned as the upper limit in a FOR loop that populates a drop-down list box with the template names, using the DataWindow.Export.XML.Template[ ].Name property.
string ls_template_count, ls_template_name long i ls_template_count=dw_1.Describe ("DataWindow.Export.XML.TemplateCount") for i=1 to Long(ls_template_count) ls_template_name= dw_1.Object.DataWindow.Export.XML.Template[i].Name ddlb_1.AddItem(ls_template_name) next
Before generating the XML, set the export template using the text in the drop-down list box:
dw_1.Object.DataWindow.Export.XML.UseTemplate= ddlb_1.text