

Settings that specify the physical path to which a generated CSS style sheet is published and the URL where the style sheet is located.

Applies to

DataWindow objects


PowerBuilder dot notation:


Describe and Modify argument:

"DataWindow.CSSGen.property { = ' value ' }"




One of the following:

  • PublishPath

  • ResourceBase

  • SessionSpecific


(exp) PublishPath – a string that specifies the physical path of the Web site folder to which PowerBuilder publishes the generated CSS style sheet

(exp) ResourceBase – a string that specifies the URL of the generated CSS style sheet to be referenced in a link element in the XHTML page

(exp) SessionSpecific – a boolean that when set to “yes” forces a session-specific ID to be applied to any generated document names that would otherwise be shared


The PublishPath folder must correspond to the URL specified in the ResourceBase property. At runtime, after PowerBuilder generates the CSS style sheet to the PublishPath folder, it includes it in the final XHTML page by referencing it with the ResourceBase property in a <link> element.

Typically you share style (CSS), layout (XSLT), and control definitions (JS) for use by all clients; however, if you use dynamic DataWindow objects customized for specific clients, you can force generation of the DataWindow presentation-related document names to be specific to each client. You do this by setting the CSSGen.SessionSpecific property to “yes”. This eliminates the possibility of server-side contention for presentation formats when the DataWindow generation is specific to the client.

In the painter

On the Web Generation page in the Properties view for the DataWindow object, select CSS from the Format to Configure list, specify the Resource Base and Publish Path locations, and check the Session-specific CSS, XSLT and JS file names check box if you want to force generation of client-specific names.


Example 1

These statements set the CSSGen.ResourceBase and CSSGen.PublishPath properties:

dw_1.Object.DataWindow.CSSGen.ResourceBase= &
dw_1.Object.DataWindow.CSSGen.PublishPath= &

Example 2

This statement sets the CSSGen.SessionSpecific property for a JSP page:
