

Setting that determines whether data is exported to PDF from a DataWindow object by printing to a PostScript file and distilling to PDF, or by saving in XSL Formatting Objects (XSL-FO) format and processing to PDF.

Applies to

DataWindow objects


PowerBuilder dot notation:


Describe and Modify argument:

"DataWindow.Export.PDF.Method { = 'value ' }"




A string specifying a value of the PDFMethod enumerated datatype


This property can be set to specify the method used to export data to PDF before you call the SaveAs method with PDF! as the SaveAsType or select File>Save Rows As with the file type PDF in the DataWindow painter. If this property is not set, the distill method is used by default.

PDFMethod is an enumerated datatype that can hold the following values:

Enumerated value

Numeric value




Data is printed to a PostScript file and distilled to PDF (default).



Data is saved as XSL-FO and processed to PDF.

The distill method provides a robust solution that can save all types of DataWindow objects on the Windows platform. The XSL-FO method uses a platform-independent Java process, and is particularly useful for printing DataWindow objects in EAServer on a UNIX operating system.

NoteSaving as XSL-FO You can also save the data in a DataWindow object in XSL-FO format and customize the filters used to convert it to PDF and other output formats. To do so, use XSLFO! as the SaveAsType parameter when you call SaveAs, or select XSL-FO as the file type when you save rows in the DataWindow painter.

Deployment requirements

If your application uses the distill method, you must distribute the GNU Ghostscript files and default PostScript printer driver and related files (if using the default printer) with your application. If your application uses the XSL-FO method, you must distribute Apache FOP files and the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) with your application. For more information, see the chapter on deploying your application in Application Techniques.

In the painter

On the Data Export page in the Properties view for the DataWindow object, select PDF from the Format to Configure list and Distill! or XSLFOP! from the Method list.


Example 1

This statement specifies that data is exported to PDF using XSL-FO:

dw_1.Modify("Export.PDF.Method = XSLFOP! ")

See also