Chapter 4 Building Business Process Diagrams

Choreography diagram objects

You can create the following objects in a choreography diagram:

Object Tool Symbol Description

Task to perform (see Processes (BPM)).
Composite process None
Complex process decomposed to be further detailed (see Processes (BPM)).
Organization unit

Organization, service or person that is responsible for a process (see Organization Units (BPM)).
Role association

Unidirectional relationship that models a link between objects (see Role Associations (BPM)).

Path of the control flow between processes (see Flows (BPM)).

Decision to take when several flow paths are possible. Only one path will be triggered at execution time (see Decisions (BPM)).

Enables synchronization of flows between two or more concurrent actions or allows the design of a split (see Synchronizations (BPM)).

Starting point of the processes described in the choreography diagram (see Starts (BPM)).

Termination point of the processes described in the choreography diagram (see Ends (BPM)).
Events None None Instantaneous and observable occurrence during the course of a business process (see Events (BPM)).
Message format None
Format definition of data exchanged between processes (see Message Formats (BPM)).
Message part None None Portion of the WSDL (Web Services Description Language) message (see Message Parts (BPM)).
Data None None Piece of information exchanged between processes (see Data (BPM)).
CRUD matrix None Table that shows the actions a process can perform on data or resources (see CRUD Matrix (BPM)).

Storage unit of abstract data circulating within the model, which is accessed by a process to perform actions (see Resources (BPM)).
Resource flow

Access of a process to a resource (see Resource Flows (BPM)).
Service provider None None Object that contains a set of interfaces and operations (see Service Providers (BPM)).
Service interface None None Object that contains a set of operations (see Service Interfaces (BPM)).
Operation None None Input and output elements defined in terms of messages or message parts (see Operations (BPM)).
XSD document None None Object that contains the data schema handled by a service provider (see XSD Documents)).
Variable None None Data container (see Variables (BPM)).
Correlation key None None Set of variables, which is used to identify a process instance (see Correlation Keys (BPM)).
Data transformation None None Object that allows the copy of data from a source to a target with potential transformations (see Data Transformations).


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