Chapter 4 Building Business Process Diagrams

Decisions (BPM)

A decision specifies which path to take, when several paths are possible:

A decision can be created in a choreography diagram with any of the following target languages:

A decision can have one or more input flows and one or more output flows, each labeled with a distinct guard condition. The process of a decision is based on some defined expressions that direct the control flow towards the valid flow by dynamically evaluating guard conditions.

A guard condition is a condition that must be satisfied for an associated flow to execute some action. Across all these flows, guard conditions should avoid ambiguity by not overlapping, but they should also cover all possibilities in order to avoid process freeze.

A decision allows you to create complex flows, such as:

Note   Decision symbol restrictions
It is not possible to attach two flows of opposite directions to the same corner on a decision symbol.

When working with a decision, you can choose to use a conditional branch or a merge. They describe two different situations:


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