Chapter 4 Building Business Process Diagrams

Organization Units (BPM)

An organization unit can represent a company, a system, a service, an organization, a user or a role, which is responsible for a process. It can also be a business partner who uses high level processes.

Choreography diagram

An organization unit can be created in a choreography diagram with any target language. It allows you to assign responsibilities within your system, and displays as a swimlane, which can contain all the symbols of a choreography diagram (see Choreography Diagram Basics).

In the following diagram, the Stock organization unit is responsible for the Check Stock process and of the Ship FedEx and Ship USPS processes. The management of these latter processes depends on whether the delivery must be overnight or not:

Top-level diagram

An organization unit can be created in a top-level diagram with any of the following target languages:

An organization unit allows you to identify external partners, which interact with your system, and displays as an actor (see Top-Level Diagram Basics).

In the following example, the Buyer organization unit interacts with the Order process:

Data flow diagram

An organization unit can be created in a data flow diagram and displays as an actor to design an external entity that sends or receives data from the system (see the "Working with the Data Flow Diagram" chapter).


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