Chapter 4 Building Business Process Diagrams

Data (BPM)

A data object is a piece of information exchanged, at a high conceptual level, between processes using flows or between processes and resources using resource flows.

A data can be created in a choreography diagram with all Analysis languages (except BPMN).

Data is used in conjunction with a:

The same data can be shared by several flows, message formats, or processes, but only once each.

You can specify a type for data and link it to an object in order to identify the nature of the piece of information exchanged. Data can be decomposed into sub-data.

Data has no graphical symbol, but you can display a list of data on the flow and resource flow symbols (see the "Customizing the BPM Environment" chapter).

Business data can be analyzed in more details in a Conceptual Data Model (CDM), a Physical Data Model (PDM) or in the class diagram of an Object Oriented Model (OOM) (see Linking data to an external model object):


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