BlackBerry Enterprise Server setup  Answers Anywhere/SMS setup

Chapter 8: Troubleshooting

Mobile device setup

Table 8-6 identifies common mobile configuration problems and provides useful troubleshooting information.

Table 8-6: Troubleshooting mobile device setup problems


Try this

Cannot create a personal channel

Check the file to make sure the alwaysValidateSession parameter is set to false. See “Global property group”.

Cannot access mobile application:

Your submission has been recorded and will be sent during the next Synchronization

If you see this message when trying to access an application on a mobile device, check the alwaysValidateSession parameter in the file. The parameter is probably set to true, but should be set to false to enable personal channels to work. See “Global property group”.

Cannot use mobile application:

avantgo.db is not installed, please install the db pod

This message indicates the M-Business Anywhere client requires one or more database PODs to authenticate mobile applications. See the Unwired Accelerator Installation Guide for POD information.

Mobile application does not appear on the mobile device

Verify that:

  • The mobile application is deployed to the group. In Mobile Web Studio, select Manage | M-Business | Groups, and check the groups.

  • The user belongs to the group to which the mobile application is deployed.

  • The M-Business Anywhere user name/password and server properties are set correctly in M-Business Client. M-Business Clients use M-Business users, not Mobile Web Studio users. See “M-Business Anywhere accounts” and the Unwired Accelerator Installation Guide.

  • For BlackBerry devices, make sure the Offline BlackBerry option is selected for the application, and that the application is in a grid format.

The UA logo does not appear on the BlackBerry device

Verify that you installed the offline client on the BlackBerry device (or BlackBerry simulator), as described in “Installing the UA offline client”.

Large applications hang the BlackBerry device

If applications exceed 128K, they are parsed and sent to the BlackBerry in chunks. If the BlackBerry device does not have enough memory, it cannot handle the reparsing. Check the available and used memory on the BlackBerry device.

Sync has failed Response code returned 0 This UA application cannot be used with server version version.

Somehow the Unwired Accelerator server and BlackBerry version strings are out of sync. Search the file for the portal.version property, and make sure it is set to 7.0. See Chapter 9, “Configuring Global Properties” for information.

On the device simulator, too many applications display after using Sync All to obtain the list of applications (even some that do not have Offline BlackBerry set).

The BlackBerry device simulator is useful for testing applications during development, but it does need maintenance. On the BlackBerry device, try selecting Delete All from the trackwheel menu, and then use Sync All again. If the problem persists, run the clean.bat script:

  1. Navigate to RIM\BlackBerry JDE 3.7\bin.

  2. Double-click clean.bat.

  3. Navigate to RIM\BlackBerry JDE 3.7\simulator.

  4. Delete UAbbapp.alx and UAbbapp.cod.

  5. Copy new UAbbapp.alx and UAbbapp.cod files into the simulator directory again as described in the Unwired Accelerator Installation Guide.

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