This group contains general settings, including server names, addresses, mail properties, and portal properties. For ease of reference, properties are listed in alphabetical order.
Global property name |
Default value |
Description |
alwaysValidateSession |
true |
(true/false) When this value is set to true, the user’s portal session is validated on every request. There is a slight performance penalty for this. When this value is set to false, the session is checked only when security configuration requires an explicit authorization.
Anonymous.Roles |
everybody,PortalGuest |
Lists the J2EE role values for anonymous users. Values are comma separated. See Chapter 6, “Security” for information about roles in Unwired Accelerator. |
catalog_cache_refresh_list |
Tomcat – EAServer – |
Keep the default entry for a single-machine installation. For a multimachine installation, enter the list of machines with catalogs that should be refreshed when a cache refresh is triggered. Use commas to separate entries in the list. If you use the machine name, there must be a DNS entry inside the machine to resolve the entry. This comma-separated list should consist of machine names that are internally addressable from within the servers themselves and should include the port number followed by the name of the Web application. For example, on Tomcat:
changeMyInfo |
true |
(true/false) When this value is set to false, the MyInfo links for Change Password, Personal Information, and Join Now do not display. |
client_virtual_path |
/onepage/ |
Used for JSP forward/include; for example: BEA=/onepage/ iplanet=/onepage/ |
default_http_port |
Tomcat – 4040 EAServer – 8080 |
The application server port number. You provide the initial value at installation. This value must match the default application server HTTP port number and must be the same as the application server settings.
default_https_port |
Tomcat – 4443 EAServer – 8081 |
The application server HTTPS port number. This value must match the default application server HTTP port number and must line up with the application server settings.
default_tile_href |
" " |
Default HREF that appears on application title bars. The default is none. If you wanted the same HREF to display on most application title bars, enter that HREF here. You can override this value during application development. |
DefaultResourceID |
1 |
The resource ID (RID) that is used if one is not included in a request. |
DefaultUserID |
1 |
The user ID that is used if one is not included in a request. |
deferupdate |
on |
(on/off) This value should always be set to on (true). This property handles the updates of applications, pages, and page groups when Mobile Web Studio user clicks the Update page button. After clicking this button, the user’s view will be updated when the user logs in to the Portal Interface (including the online BlackBerry and Pocket PC on Pocket IE). |
disableAutomaticReauthentication |
false |
(true/false) This property is not used for Unwired Accelerator; accept the default. See the Enterprise Security Administration Guide for information about Enterprise Security. |
DocumentRoot |
/tmp/PortletDocs |
Identifies the directory where application documents reside, when you create a file element and upload a document. See the Unwired Accelerator Developer’s Guide for information about creating a file element using a document file. |
domain |
subdomain.domain |
The DNS name of your portal Web server in the format “”. Include any subdomain. This value is used by the portal’s servers. If you change your installation’s domain, you must change the value here to the new domain name. |
EclipseMode |
false |
(true/false) Indicates whether Unwired Accelerator is running under Eclipse. For stand-alone UA, leave this set to false. |
ep_security_eas_guest_pwd |
guest |
This property is not used for Unwired Accelerator; accept the default. See the Enterprise Security Administration Guide for information about Enterprise Security. |
ep_security_eas_url |
iiop://hostname.domain: 9000 |
This property is not used for Unwired Accelerator; accept the default. See the Enterprise Security Administration Guide for information about Enterprise Security. |
https.playback |
on |
(on/off) Enables secure bypass for Web applications. Turn off when you are using Oracle as the portal database. Oracle is not supported in Unwired Accelerator. |
javascript.domain |
domain |
DNS name of your portal JavaScript Web server in the same format as the “domain” without the leading period (.) Included any subdomain. This value is used by the browser from which you are running the portal. |
LicenseFile |
/config/license.txt |
The location of the Unwired Accelerator license file. The evaluation software has a temporary license that expires, and the Unwired Accelerator product has a permanent license that does not expire. If you change this default, the portal will not run. | | |
Fully qualified DNS name or IP address of the mail server. This should be a server that is internally available to you.
mail.transport.protocol |
smtp |
(smtp/imap) Identifies the mail transport protocol used. This property and are passed as initialization properties to javax.mail.Session. |
markupNoJSFile |
/config/noJavascript OcMarkup.txt |
If you cannot navigate through a Web site because of JavaScript, enter that site here and Mobile Web Studio ignores or removes the JavaScript. |
maxPageName |
25 |
Maximum number of characters allowed per tab/page name. |
maxTabSetChar |
5000 |
Maximum number of characters per tabset. |
maxTabSets |
99 |
Maximum number of page groups (tabsets) allowed. Valid range is 1– 99. |
multipleGuestPages |
true |
(true/false) Controls the number of guest pages to display. Set to true to display multiple guest pages; set to false to display only one guest page. | |
on |
(off/on) Set to on to enable page groups in the portal. |
passwordExpirationWarning Window |
30 |
This property is not used for Unwired Accelerator; accept the default. |
PortalAdministrationRole |
PortalAdmin |
The J2EE role required to administer the portal, perform export/import and update operations. See Chapter 6, “Security” for information about roles in Unwired Accelerator. WARNING! This property is designed for a single role and not a list of roles. There is no parsing of the string to look for multiple roles. |
portal.build_number |
The Unwired Accelerator version number, in date format. |
portal.defaultRID |
1 |
Default resource ID (RID) for the portal. If a request does not include a RID, the systems falls back to the RID specified here. When you add a new resource in Web Studio, you may want to change the value here. |
portal.epSecurity |
false |
(true/false) This property is not used for Unwired Accelerator; accept the default. See the Enterprise Security Administration Guide for information about Enterprise Security. | |
hostname |
Host name of the page playback server. The initial value is supplied at installation. |
portal.portlet_create_lock |
E,T,U |
Lists the page types on which you cannot create, add, and move applications: E – default T – catalog U – guest page |
portal.version |
7.0 |
The Unwired Accelerator version number. |
proxy |
off |
(on/off) Set this value to on only if you are planning to use a HTTP proxy server, and this proxy server is installed and configured. See “Enabling proxy servers”, and the Unwired Accelerator Installation Guide for more information. |
proxy.bypass_list | | localhost |
Value – host1|host2 The addresses and host names of Unwired Accelerator machines that must bypass the proxy server. When there are machines that cannot go through the proxy server (typically for internal sites), create the list of machines names; separate machine names using a bar (|).
| | |
IP address of the proxy server. Enter this value only if the proxy property is set to on. |
proxy.password |
DefaultProxyUser Password |
Configure this property only if the proxy property is set to on and the user exists on the proxy server |
proxy.port |
3128 |
Port number of the proxy server cache. Configure this property only if the proxy property is set to on and the user exists on the proxy server. |
proxy.user |
DefaultProxyUserName |
Configure this property only if the proxy property is set to on and the user exists on the proxy server |
redirfile |
/config/redirlist.txt |
The location and content to which a user is redirected if he or she enters a URL that does not exist or is unavailable. |
registration.organization |
o=Sybase Inc,c=us |
This property is not used for Unwired Accelerator; accept the default. See the Enterprise Security Administration Guide for information about Enterprise Security. |
registration.userJ2EERoles |
PortalUser,PortalGuest, PortalAdmin,manager, everybody |
Lists the J2EE role values. Values are comma-separated. See Chapter 6, “Security” for information about roles and security in Unwired Accelerator. |
resetPasswordEmail |
pso@yourCompany. com |
A semicolon-delimited list of e-mail addresses to which reset password notifications are to be sent. Change the default to e-mail addresses of people who manage the portal security system. |
secure |
off |
(off/on) Indicates whether to enable HTTPS for the Web container (Mobile Web Studio and Portal Interface). Set to off to disable HTTPS. If enabled, HTTPS is used for log in and registration. To enable Web capture of HTTPS sites and creation of “secure” applications, set secure and use_https properties to on. See “Data confidentiality and integrity” for more information. |
SecureHostname |
LoadBalanceSecure Serverhost.domain |
Fully qualified host name for the load-balanced secure publish/subscribe server used by Mobile Web Studio and the application playback server (UWP or UPP). |
secure_login |
off |
(off/on) Indicates whether to enable secure navigation. Set to off to have Portal Interface and Mobile Web Studio use HTTP during login and self-registration. Set to on to have Portal Interface and Mobile Web Studio use HTTPS during login and self-registration. See “Data confidentiality and integrity” for more information.
| |
hostname |
Host name of the secure HTTPS application playback server. The initial value is supplied at installation. This value should be the same as |
send.mail |
true |
(true/false) Set this value to true to send SMTP-based e-mail messages when you create a new accounts in Mobile Web Studio, or when Portal Interface users register for the first time or request to change their password. If set to false, e-mail content is written to the WorkRoot/e-mail directory. See the WorkRoot property, later in this table, for information about WorkRoot.
server_virtual_path |
/ |
Used for JSP forward/include; for example: BEA=/ JRun=/ iplanet=/onepage/ |
sharePage |
on |
(on/off) Enables page sharing in Portal Interface. |
SOAPServer | |
The SOAP server machine name. |
tabingChar |
4 |
The number of characters that tabs use for the corners. |
on |
(off/on) Indicates whether to enable use of page groups. Set to on to enables use of page groups. |
hostname |
Host name of the application playback server. The initial value is supplied at installation. |
tile_style |
3 |
(1/ 2/ 3) Indicates the default application style:
turnOffSecurePassword |
false |
(true/false) Toggles use of secure password prompt by Portal Interface when using HTTPS applications created from Mobile Web Studio. The default is false, which means you are prompted for an additional password to view secure applications. If you change the value to true, you are not prompted for an additional password, and cannot view secure applications. |
use_https |
on |
(on/off) Indicates whether to use secure navigation. Set to off to disable secure navigation. To enable Web capture of HTTPS sites and creation of “secure” applications, set secure and use_https properties to on. See “Data confidentiality and integrity” for more information. |
versioning |
off |
(on/off) Indicates whether to use versioning of applications and catalogs. Set to on to save versions of applications and catalogs. |
WebServiceRoot |
/ws |
This property indicates the location for generated Web service files when publishing applications to the UDDI registry. There are two ways to enter this information:
wireless_portal |
off |
(on/off) This property is not used for Unwired Accelerator; accept the default. |
WorkRoot |
/tmp |
Base working directory to which the portal can write log files, upload files, and so on. |
xml_catalog_serialize |
yes |
(yes/no) Enter “yes” to create local serialized objects of the XML catalog in your local /onepage/lib directory. This allows a quicker-loading catalog. Enter “no” to disable catalog serialization. |
XmlValidation |
off |
(on/off) Indicates whether to enable runtime XML validation for application, page, and template definitions. Set to on to enable runtime xml validation.
Copyright © 2005. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. |
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