Role-based authorization  Security and integrated products

Chapter 6: Security

Data confidentiality and integrity

Unwired Accelerator uses Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), a security protocol that provides communications privacy over the Internet when transmitting data between client and server. Unwired Accelerator uses HTTP or HTTPS, depending on the secure_login setting in

If secure_login is set on (true), keep in mind the following:

NoteYou must enable the HTTPS listener on your portal before you enable secure_login. To do so, set the default_https_port property in the file to the appropriate port number (the defaults are 4443 from the Tomcat listener, and 8081 for the EAServer listener), then enable secure_login.

To enable Web capture of HTTPS sites and creation of “secure” applications, set these parameters on in the file:

See “Global property group” for more information about the secure, secure_login, use_https and default_https_port properties.

Copyright © 2005. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. Security and integrated products

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