Overview  Global property group

Chapter 9: Configuring Global Properties

Viewing global.properties.xml contents

Once you install Unwired Accelerator, there are several properties in global.properties.xml that you can modify.

The contents of global.properties.xml are organized into these property groups:

The global.properties.xml file includes a section for each property group in the preceding list. Property groups and properties that are not discussed in this appendix are either not used, or use a default value that you should not change.

NoteThe strings “eashost”, “asehost”, “hostname”, “aseport”, and “domain” in global.properties.xml are replaced by the appropriate values during the installation of Unwired Accelerator. When configuration is successful, the administrator sees the actual values for these properties instead of the above string variables.

Copyright © 2005. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. Global property group

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