M-Business property group  UWP property group

Chapter 9: Configuring Global Properties

SAP property group

This group lists SAP settings. Properties are listed in alphabetical order.

SAP property name

Default value




Comma-separated list of connection pool names available for SAP connection. For each connection pool name given in the ConnectionPools property, there must be a corresponding <pool-name>.properties file in the ...\onepage\WEB-INF\classes directory. The default value points to a sapjco.properties file in the directory. See the Unwired Accelerator Installation Guide for information about configuring ConnectionPools.

DefaultConnectionPool Name


Identifies the default connection pool name to use for an SAP connection, from the list of available connection pools. The user name provided here must have access rights to call a number of RFMs for metadata repository access (Authorization Object: S_RFC, ACTVT: 16, FUGR).

Copyright © 2005. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. UWP property group

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