Mobile Web Studio property group  SAP property group

Chapter 9: Configuring Global Properties

M-Business property group

This group lists M-Business Anywhere settings. Properties are listed in alphabetical order.

Mobile application property name

Default value


AA.CustomAgent    Network


(true/false) Enables display of the Answers Anywhere Custom Agent Network feature.

Blackberry.MaxNumber    OfKBytes


The maximum number of bytes to check during sync to BlackBerry device.



(true/false) Indicates how user accounts are handled when Unwired Accelerator and M-Business Anywhere are integrated.

  • If set to true, when a user joins the Portal Interface, or when a user is added to Mobile Web Studio, the user automatically joins the M-Business Anywhere server with the same user name and password.

  • If set to false, Mobile Web Studio does not self-register to M-Business Anywhere. A user with the Studio Admin role—such as opsuper or masuper—can register a user with M-Business Anywhere (using the M-Business | User/Roles option).

See Chapter 3, “User Accounts” for more information about managing user accounts, and see the Unwired Accelerator Installation Guide for more information about integrating Unwired Accelerator and M-Business Anywhere.



(true/false) Indicates whether to enable connection from Mobile Web Studio to the M-Business Anywhere database, AGDB. If you are using M-Business Anywhere server to deploy applications to mobile devices, set this value to true.

Copyright © 2005. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. SAP property group

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