Using the individual controls

There are four basic types of controls with different purposes.

Table 12-2: Summary of control types by function


Controls include

Invoke actions

CommandButtons, PictureButtons, PictureHyperLinks, StaticHyperLinks, Tabs, User Objects

Display or accept data, or both

ListBoxes, PictureListBoxes, DropDownListBoxes, DropDownPictureListBoxes, DataWindow controls, StaticText, ListViews, TreeViews, RichTextEdit, Graphs, Pictures, ProgressBars, ScrollBars, SingleLineEdits, MultiLineEdits, EditMasks, Tabs, user objects, OLE controls, MonthCalendar, DatePicker, InkEdit, and InkPicture controls

Indicate choices

RadioButtons, CheckBoxes (you can group these controls in a GroupBox), TrackBars


Line, Rectangle, RoundRectangle, Oval, Animation

How to use the controls

You should use the controls only for the purpose shown in the table. For example, users expect radio buttons for selecting an option. Do not use a radio button also to invoke an action, such as opening a window or printing. Use a command button for that.

There are, however, several exceptions: user objects can be created for any purpose, and ListBoxes, ListViews, TreeViews, and Tabs are often used both to display data and to invoke actions. For example, double-clicking a ListBox item often causes some action to occur.

Individual controls

The following sections describe some features that are unique to individual controls. The controls are listed in the order in which they display on the Insert>Control menu and the drop-down controls palette:

Some controls are not covered in this chapter: