
A PictureHyperLink is a picture that provides a hot link to a specified Web page. When a user clicks the PictureHyperLink in a window, the user’s Web browser opens to display the page.

The PictureHyperLink control has a URL property that specifies the target of the link. You specify the picture and URL in the PictureHyperLink control’s Properties view in the General tab page. If you know that your users have browsers that support URL completion, you can enter a partial address—for example, sybase.com—instead of the complete address, http://www.sybase.com.

When the PictureHyperLink control is in an MDI Frame window with MicroHelp, the URL you specify appears in the status bar when the user’s pointer is over the control.

A hand is the default pointer. To change the pointer, use the Other property page.

The PictureHyperLink control is a descendant of the Picture control. Like a Picture control, a PictureHyperLink control can display a bitmap (BMP) file, a run-length encoded (RLE) file, an Aldus-style Windows metafile (WMF), a GIF file, an animated GIF file, or a JPEG file.

You display a picture in a PictureHyperLink control in the same way you display a picture in a picture control. For more information, see “Picture”.