
DropDownPictureListBoxes are similar to DropDownListBoxes in the way they present information. They differ in that DropDownListBoxes use only text to present information, whereas DropDownPictureListBoxes add images to the information.

The sample shows a blank input field  with a down arrow. Below it is a list of sample choices such as Actors and Cinematography. Each choice includes a picture to the left of the text. To the right of the list are up and down arrows with a vertical scroll bar between them.

Everything that you can do with DropDownListBoxes you can do with DropDownPictureListBoxes. For more information, see “DropDownListBox”.

Adding images to a DropDownPictureListBox

You can choose from a group of stock images provided by PowerBuilder, or use any bitmap (BMP) file, icon (ICO) file, GIF file, or JPEG file when you add images to a DropDownPictureListBox. You use the same technique that you use to add pictures to a PictureListBox. For more information, see “Adding images to a PictureListBox”.