Checking an OOM

The Object-Oriented Model is a very flexible tool, which allows you quickly to develop your model without constraints. You can, however, check the validity of your OOM at any time.


We recommend that you check your OOM before generating code from it. If the check encounters errors, generation will be stopped. The Check model option is enabled by default in the Generation dialog box.

You can check an OOM in any of the following ways:

The Check Model Parameters window opens, which allows you to specify the kinds of checks to perform, and the objects to apply them to. For detailed information about this window and correcting problems reported, see "Checking a Model" in the Models chapter of the Core Features Guide.

The following sections document the OOM-specific checks available by default. For information about checks made on generic objects available in all model types, see "Checking a Model" in the Models chapter of the Core Features Guide.

Created October 7, 2009. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: