Package Checks

The following OOM model checks are made on packages:


Description and Correction

Circular inheritance

Objects cannot be dependent on each other. Circular links must be removed.

Manual correction: Remove circular generalization links

Automatic correction: None

Circular dependency

Classes are dependent on each other through association class and/or generalization links. Circular links must be removed.

Manual correction: Remove circular links

Automatic correction: None

Shortcut code uniqueness

Two shortcuts with the same code cannot be in the same namespace.

Manual correction: Change the code of one of the shortcuts

Automatic correction: None

Shortcut potentially generated as child table of a reference

The package should not contain associations with an external shortcut as child class. Although this can be tolerated in the OOM, the association will not be generated in a PDM if the external shortcut is generated as a shortcut.

Manual correction: Modify the design of your model in order to create the association in the package where the child class is defined

Automatic correction: None

Created October 7, 2009. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: