Component Checks

The following OOM model checks are made on components:


Description and Correction

Component name and code uniqueness

Component names and codes must be unique in the namespace (model or package).

Manual correction: Modify the duplicate name/code

Automatic correction: Appends a number to the duplicate name/code

Isolated component

A component should not be isolated in the model. It should be linked to a class or an interface.

Manual correction: Attach some classes or interfaces to the component

Automatic correction: None

EJB component attached classifiers

Entity and Session Beans must provide either a remote or a local client view, or both.

Manual correction: Complete existing view(s), or create a remote view if no interface has been exposed

Automatic correction: Completes existing view(s), or creates a remote view if no interface has been exposed

SOAP message redefinition

You cannot have the same SOAP input and SOAP output data type inside the same component.

Manual correction: Change the name of the input data type, or change the name of the output data type in the SOAP Input or SOAP Output tabs in the operation property sheet

Automatic correction: None

The definition of the SOAP data types is available in the schema part of the WSDL that you can display in the WSDL tab of the component property sheet.

Created October 7, 2009. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: