Generalization Checks

The following OOM model checks are made on generalizations:


Description and Correction

Redundant generalizations

Only one generalization is allowed between two classes or two interfaces.

Manual correction: Remove redundant generalizations

Automatic correction: None

Class multiple inheritance

The following check applies only to Java and PowerBuilder.

Multiple inheritance is accepted in UML but not in this language.

Manual correction: Keep single inheritance

Automatic correction: None

Extend final class

A final class cannot be extended.

Manual correction: Remove the generalization link, or remove the final property in the parent class

Automatic correction: None

Non-persistent specifying attribute

If a generalization has a specifying attribute, the attribute must be marked as persistent.

Manual correction: Select the Persistent checkbox on the Detail tab of the specifying attribute property sheet.

Automatic correction: None

Generalization generic missing child type parameters

A child of a generic classifier must resolve all of the type parameters defined by its parent.

Manual correction: Resolve the missing type parameters.

Automatic correction: None.

Generalization generic child cannot be bound

A bound classifier cannot be the child of any classifier other than its generic parent.

Manual correction: Remove the additional links.

Automatic correction: None.

Created October 7, 2009. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: