Chapter 5 Objects

Object Properties

All model objects created in PowerDesigner have property sheets. Property sheets organize object properties on tabs.

You can open an object property sheet in any of the following ways:

Property sheets allow you to assign extensive and sophisticated properties to objects. Most PowerDesigner objects have the following tabs and properties, but many others, specific to the particular object type, may be available:

Note   Navigating between tabs
Use ctrl + page down or ctrl + page up to move to the next or to the previous tab and display the corresponding object type tab.

Note   Opening property sheets at last accessed tab
Property sheets open to the General tab by default. However, you can choose to open property sheets at the last accessed tab by selecting Tools→General Options→Dialog, and selecting the Keep Last Tab option in the Property Sheets groupbox.

Link objects property sheet

Property sheets of link objects display a picture of the link together with its extremities. Additional information, such as the cardinality value and the role, may also be displayed. :

You can control the form of the symbols, the background color, and the text format via the default display preferences. If you want changes to the display preferences to appear in link object property sheets, you must click the Set As Default button in the Display Preferences dialog, for each modification.


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