Chapter 5 Objects
Analyzing object dependencies
Objects collaborate with other objects in a variety of ways. In an object's property sheet, the Dependencies tab shows the different links that exist between the object and other objects in the model and any other models open in the workspace.
When you create an external shortcut, or when you attach a business rule to an object, a dependency link is created between models or objects.
Dependencies are used to verify the use of an object or model. They can be of two types:
- Internal, when the links are within a model. These dependencies are saved in the model and appear in the Dependencies tab of an object property sheet
- External, when the links exist between models. These dependencies are created during intermodel generation or external shortcut creation, they appear in the Dependencies tab if the related model is opened in the workspace. If the related model is not available, you can use the repository to retrieve external dependencies
For more information about how to retrieve external links using the repository, see "Auditing repository activities" in the Repository Administration chapter in the Working with the Repository manual.
PowerDesigner lists these links in the Dependency tab of the object's property sheet.
Model dependencies
The Dependencies tab of a model also lets you check the model origin (Generated From tab) and destination (Generated As tab).
To display object dependencies:
- Open the property sheet of an object and click the Dependencies tab.
- Click the different sub-tabs to see the depending objects or the uses of the object throughout the open models of the workspace.
- Click OK.
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