Chapter 5 Objects

The Palette

The Palette is a toolbar that lets you quickly create objects and the links between them in your diagram:

The standard palette tools are as follows:

Icon Action

Pointer [default] – Selects, moves, and resizes individual symbols. Double-click to select all the objects in the diagram.

Grabber – allows you to select, move and resize the entire diagram. Double-click to display the entire diagram, centered.

Zoom in

Zoom out

Open the diagram of a composite object or packages

Delete a symbol and, optionally, its associated object.

Open the property sheet of an object

Create a package

The central tool area in the palette depends on the model you are working with, and will contain tools to create all the objects relevant to that type of model. For details of these model-specific tools, see the appropriate modeling guide.

The standard graphical tools are as follows:

Icon Action

Insert an area where you can write free notes

Draw one of the following:

  • a graphical link between free symbols in the diagram
  • a note link between a note and an object
  • an extended dependency between objects (where possible)

Insert a file symbol and object

Insert a title box

Insert text

Draw a line

Draw an arc

Draw a rectangle

Draw an ellipse

Draw a rounded rectangle

Draw a jagged line

Draw a polygon

Note   Switching to the Pointer tool
To switch to the default Pointer tool, right-click anywhere in the diagram.To revert to the previously selected tool, hold down CTRL and perform a right double-click.


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