Global Web configuration properties

Table 6-1 lists global properties of a PowerBuilder .NET Web Forms application that you can set at design time on the Configuration tab of the Project painter before you deploy the application. The default global properties and their values display only when the “System defined configuration settings” radio button is selected. This radio button is selected by default.

Additional global properties are described in Table 6-2. They are included in the Web.config file that is generated in the main application directory under the IIS virtual root directory.

For information on modifying global properties in the Web.config file (after you deploy a Web Forms application), see “Viewing and modifying global properties in IIS Manager”.

You can also create custom global properties. For information about custom global properties, see “Creating custom global properties”.

When you select a global property from the Key and Value list and click the Edit button, the Set Configuration Value dialog box displays. You can use this dialog box to change the values of system or custom global properties.

Table 6-1: Global properties on the Project painter Configuration tab


Default value



Loading ... ... Please wait...

Status message text displayed to the user during AJAX request processing. To disable the status message set the value to an empty string (“”).

PBAjaxWaitingMessage FontFamily


Font family for the text of the AJAX waiting message.

PBAjaxWaitingMessage FontSize


Font size of the text of the AJAX waiting message.

PBAjaxWaitingMessage BoxPosition


Position of the AJAX waiting message box. Valid values are: Center, TopLeft, TopRight, BottomLeft, and BottomRight.

PBAjaxWaitingMessage BoxHeight

Height in pixels of the AJAX waiting message box. If no value is specified (default), PowerBuilder calculates the best fit for the message box text.

PBAjaxWaitingMessage BoxWidth

Width in pixels of the AJAX waiting message box. If no value is specified (default), PowerBuilder calculates the best fit for the message box text.

PBAutoTriggerMenu SelectedEvents


Indicates whether to trigger the menu Selected event for all menu items before Web Forms are rendered in the browser. The Selected event can be handled on the server only for simple tasks related to the appearance of the menu items. The Selected event is always disabled on the client side to prevent unnecessary postbacks when a menu item is highlighted.

PBCachedAndShared DDDWs

A comma-delimited set of names for DataWindow objects that you want to use in DropDownDataWindow edit style controls for sharing across application sessions. For more information, see “Sharing data across sessions”.


A comma-delimited set of names for DataWindow objects that you want to share across application sessions. For more information, see “Sharing data across sessions”.


Sets command line parameters for your application. Users can override the default by setting this property in a URL.



Enumeration that specifies the source of regional settings for data formats. Values are Server or Client.

For more information about regional settings, see “Use regional formats based on client or server settings”

PBDataWindowEnable DDDW


Indicates whether to render a DropDownDataWindow (DDDW) or a DropDownListBox control for a column using the DDDW edit style. Values are true to render the drop-down object as a DDDW, or false to render it as a list box. The value you set applies to all DDDW objects in the application, although if you set this value to true, you can still render a specific DDDW object as a list box by setting its HTMLGen.GenerateDDDWFrames property (the “Generate DDDW Frames” field on the Web Generation page of the DataWindow painter Properties view) to false.



Sets the label for a navigation bar button that takes a user to a designated DataWindow page.


Go To:

Sets the label for the navigation control that takes a user to a designated DataWindow page.



Sets the position where the page navigation controls display. Values are PBDWBottom for display at the bottom of the DataWindow, PBDWTop for display at the top of the DataWindow, or PBDWTopAndBottom for display at the top and bottom of the DataWindow.



Sets a limit to the number of pages that display for the Numeric or NumericWithQuickGo style navigation bars.



Values are NextPrev, Numeric, QuickGo, NextPrevWithQuickGo, or NumericWithQuickGo. For more information, see “Take advantage of global configuration properties”.



Sets the type of control to use for the Quick Go navigation bar. Values are DropDownList or Edit.



Sets the number of DataWindow rows to display in Web Forms when the HTMLGen.PageSize property of the DataWindow object is not set. HTMLGen.PageSize and PBDataWindowRowsPerPage have no effect on DataWindow objects with the Label presentation style. Composite and Crosstab presentation styles do not support pagination.



Set this to true to load a DropDownDataWindow on demand using ASP.NET script callbacks when PBDataWindowEnableDDDW is also set to true.


Page {C} of {T}

Sets the text to display for the DataWindow page count {C} and the total number of pages {T}. The other variables you can use are placeholders for the starting {S} and ending {E} page of a group range that you set in the PBDataWindowPageCountPerGroup global property.



The default value causes values to be entered in the database trace log for each fetch request when tracing is enabled. Set to 0 to disable tracing on each fetch request.



The name of the database log file when tracing is enabled. The log file is saved under the application root directory in the virtual file system on the IIS server. You can use PowerBuilder file functions to open and read the log file.



The default value causes metadata from the database result set columns to be entered in the database trace log when tracing is enabled. Set to 0 to disable these entries.



If you set this value to 1, the original database interface command names are included in a database trace log file when tracing is enabled. By default, these names are not included in the log file.



The name of the database log file when SQL command tracing is enabled. The log file is saved under the application root directory in the virtual file system on the IIS server. You can use PowerBuilder file functions to open and read the log file.



The default value causes the cumulative total of timings since the database connection began to be entered in the database trace log file when tracing is enabled. Set to 0 to disable these entries.



The default value causes the time required to process database interface commands to be entered in the database trace log file when tracing is enabled. Set to 0 to disable these entries.



The default theme selection causes controls in the Web Forms application to display with Windows Classic themes for Windows 2000 and 2003 operating systems and Windows XP themes for all other operating systems. If you want the controls to display with Windows XP themes, regardless of the client operating system, you can select “XP”. If you want the controls to display in all client browsers with a Windows Classic appearance, you can select “Classic”.


600 (minutes)

Sets the number of minutes before temporary files created by composite DataWindows are deleted. A value of 0 prevents the temporary files from being deleted.



A comma-delimited string of directory names. Application users are not able to use the Web Forms File Manager to download files in any of the directories listed in this string.



The event ID if exceptions are logged to the EventLog.



Set to true if you want to render the File Manager icon in a Web Forms application.


“If there is any unsaved data, it will be lost.”

Use to set custom message when users exit the current form. The custom message is sandwiched between two default sentences in the same message box: “Are you sure you want to navigate away from this page?” and “Press OK to continue, or Cancel to stay on the current page.”


0 (seconds)

Factor that adjusts the interval for the Idle event in a Web Forms application. The actual interval is determined by the application idle interval multiplied by the PBIdleInterval value. A value of 0 prevents the Idle event from being triggered.



Name of the file that logs information about the JVM for applications using a JDBC connection. By default, this file is saved to the applicationName_root\Log directory under the virtual root directory of the Web server.



The directory on the server where dynamic libraries are generated.



Set to true if you want to render the Mail Manager icon in a Web Forms application.


1200000 (milliseconds)

Time in milliseconds before an SMTP session expires. The default value is equivalent to 20 minutes, which is also the HTTP session timeout period. It should be set higher if the mail includes file or data attachments. The SMTP session also expires after an e-mail is sent from the Web Forms application.



Sets the maximum number of Web Forms sessions that can be open at the same time. The default value of 0 places no limitation on the number of sessions that can be open simultaneously.



Set to true to allow application users to see the server-side folders to which you restrict download access by listing them in the PBDenyDownloadFolders global property. By default, these folders are not visible in the File Manager .



Set to false to prevent a message box from displaying when application users exit the current form. If you set this to true, you can add a custom message to the message box by setting the PBFormExitMessage global property.



A temporary directory under the virtual file root on the server.



Set to true if you want to render the Theme Manager icon in a Web Forms application.


0 (seconds)

Factor that adjusts the interval for the window Timer event in a Web Forms application. The actual interval is determined by the window’s Timer interval multiplied by the PBTimerInterval value. A value of 0 prevents the Timer event from being triggered.



Indicates whether to log exceptions thrown by the Web Forms application. Values are Enabled or Disabled.



Name of the file that logs exceptions thrown by the Web Forms application. By default, this file is saved to the applicationName_root\Log directory under the virtual root directory on the Web Forms server.



By default, the .NET runtime logs critical exceptions only. However, if you set this property to SystemFunction, the .NET runtime logs all exceptions caught by system functions.



Defines where to log exceptions thrown by the Web Forms application. Values are File or EventLog.



Share mode maintains files in a read-only state when a write file operation is not explicitly coded. If an application requires multiple file operations, you might want to change this property setting to Copy mode.

For more information on Share and Copy mode, see “Using the Web Forms File Manager”.


600 (pixels)

Specifies the default height of the client area of the Web browser when MDI, MDIHelp, and main type windows are opened as maximized for the first time.


1003 (pixels)

Specifies the default width of the client area of the Web browser when MDI, MDIHelp, and main type windows are opened as maximized for the first time.


10000 (milliseconds)

Time in milliseconds before the Yield function causes a postback to the server. Yield calls are ignored if you set this value to 0. When you set this value to 0, however, you must make sure your application does not call Yield inside a loop, as in the following example:

do while flag

Table 6-2 displays global properties that you cannot set on the Configuration tab. However, you can change these properties in the Web.Config file after deployment. Also, the selection that you make for Web Application Name on the General tab affects default values generated for these global properties.

Table 6-2: Additional global properties for a Web Forms application


Default value




Base directory for the virtual file manager. It contains the File\Common directory structure and files that mirror paths for the application resource files on the development computer. If you switch to Copy mode, a sessionID directory is created under the File\Session directory that mirrors the File\Common directory structure and file contents.



Base directory for the mail manager.



Base directory for files that your application prints in PDF format.



Folder that contains the PBTrace.log file.



The default setting takes advantage of asynchronous AJAX update functionality. Support for synchronous updates is maintained for backward compatibility only and will be removed, along with the PBPostbackType global property in future releases of PowerBuilder.

If you must disable AJAX functionality for your Web Forms applications, set the value of this property to “synchronous”. The default start page for an application using asynchronous AJAX-enabled postbacks is default.aspx. The start page for an application using synchronous postbacks is default_sy.aspx.