The PBCultureSource global property determines whether a .NET Web Forms application uses client or server regional settings. Client regional settings are specified by the first language listed in the Language Preference dialog box of the Internet Explorer browser. However, if you set PBCultureSource to “client” and no language is listed in the Language Preference dialog box, server-side regional settings are used instead.
Server regional settings are those set for the ASP.NET user or user group on the server computer. You can use the IIS Manager to change the default regional settings in the Globalization section of the Web.config files for your Web Forms applications, or you can modify the Web.config files manually after you deploy your applications.
The regional settings specify formats for the following items:
numeric separators (decimals or commas)
number of digits per group to the left of a separator
currency symbol location when a specific EditMask is not used
date and time values
The regional settings apply to DataWindow columns of relevant datatypes and to the following PowerScript controls and functions:
DatePicker control using the DtfLongDate!, DtfShortDate! or DtfTime! format
EditMask control when the mask contains a [DATE], [TIME], or [CURRENCY [{digit number}] format
MonthCalendar control
System String (v) function when the data argument datatype is Date, Time, or DateTime (the formats for these datatypes are [SHORTDATE], [TIME], or [SHORTDATE][TIME], respectively)
System String (v, f) function when the format argument is [SHORTDATE], [LONGDATE], [DATE], [TIME], or [DATETIME]
The regional settings selection can also apply to objects you include in .NET conditional compilation blocks. It does not apply to button labels in message boxes or other system dialog boxes.
You can set the PBCultureSource global property on the Configurations tab in the Web Forms Project painter before you deploy a project. By default, applications use the regional settings specified by the Web Forms server.