Mobile application development problems  Chapter 9: Configuring Global Properties

Chapter 8: Troubleshooting

Production problems

Table 8-10 provides troubleshooting information for common Unwired Accelerator production problems. Topics include performance and security problems.

Table 8-10: Troubleshooting production problems


Try this

Agent (alert) response time is very slow

The agent transaction logging fills up the database too fast and the View Log or other agent functionality seems slow. Check the database logs to see if the database is out of space. You may see an error like this:

Tasks are sleeping waiting for space to become available in the log segment for database tempdb

Increase the database size. For Adaptive Server Anywhere, see the ASA Database Administration Guide for instructions.

Chart text displays incorrectly (EAServer)

If your chart text displays incorrectly, use this procedure to resolve the problem:

  1. Start EAServer Manager, select Tools | Connect | Jaguar Manager, then enter:

    • User Name – jagadmin

    • Password – leave blank.

    • Host Name – the name of your local machine.

    • Port Number – 9000

    Click Connect.

  2. Expand the Servers folder, right-click the Jaguar tree node, and select Server Properties.

  3. Select the Static Page Caching tab and do either of the following:

    • Unselect the Enable Static Page Caching option so no static pages or items are cached; or

    • Prevent caching of items stored in /onepage/jspfilter by entering the following into the Exclude WebApp Files text box:

      (onepage/jspfilter, *.*)
  4. Select File | Refresh Static Cache.

  5. Exit EAServer Manager, then restart EAServer.

Charts are no longer cached.

User cannot access a page

403 error

The 403 error indicates the user does not have the permissions required to access the page. Specifically, the “everybody” role is required.

On Tomcat, from Mobile Web Studio, access Manage | Users/Roles | Users, select the user, and make sure the “everybody” role is granted. See “Mobile Web Studio accounts” for account maintenance information, and “Role-based authorization” for role information.

On EAServer, the “everybody” role is granted to the user by default, so this error should not occur unless the account is changed.

Copyright © 2005. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. Chapter 9: Configuring Global Properties

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