SAP connection setup  Production problems

Chapter 8: Troubleshooting

Mobile application development problems

Table 8-9 provides troubleshooting information for common mobile application development problems, especially those that may required a change to the Unwired Accelerator configuration. See the Unwired Accelerator Developer’s Guide for application development information.

Table 8-9: Troubleshooting mobile application problems


Try this

A Web application that was created for offline mode does not display on the PDA. The following error displays in the UWP.err file:

UWPWindowsApp::CreateMAppData: application definition is not compatible with MAPP GRID generation

Check the following:

  • Verify that UA, M-Business Anywhere, and M-Business Client are configured properly as described in the Unwired Accelerator Installation Guide.

  • Verify that you can sync between M-Business Client on your PDA and M-Business Anywhere.

  • Verify that you captured the application as a “grid” style application in Mobile Web Studio. Mobile applications can be sent offline to a PDA only when they have been captured as grid-style applications. See the Unwired Accelerator Developer’s Guide for procedures.

Attempted to change the application border color in styles.xml, by setting tileBorderColor="#D9A996"; but the color used for each application defaults to #CCCCCC.

The application border color is actually set in the Page properties through Mobile Web Studio. See the Unwired Accelerator Developer’s Guide for information about editing Page properties. In the Page Properties window, you must select “Enable Applications Border,” and replace the default color CCCCCC with the color you prefer, such as D9A996, in hexadecimal format.

Problems capturing Web applications that use Java script.

Try using a more robust capture strategy, such as ActiveX (requires Windows). Another approach is to ignore the JavaScript errors (for example, you can turn off the error reporting in Internet Explorer during the capture process). Sometimes the errors display during capture, but not during playback. See the Unwired Accelerator Developer’s Guide for information about advanced capture strategies that might work.

Not sure whether a new record was created or an existing record updated from BlackBerry for SAP

The output from the new record is converted to a string and returned to the BlackBerry device. Select Logs from the trackwheel and scroll down to the item associated with the new record. If the sync was successful, the log will contain the string.

The drop-down list feature in an application does not work on the BlackBerry device

On the UA client, the value of a parameter always uses the default unless you assigned it to a personalization key. Unlike the BlackBerry browser, you can enter parameter values. Data for each item on the list is synchronized.

Unable to access Portal Interface from a WAP browser

The phone (user agent) is probably not listed in the UserAgentMapping.xml file.

  1. Identify the user-agent string for your browser. In a browser window, go to:

    Look for the agent string, which should be similar to:

    user-agent=Mozilla/5.0 (yourDeviceBrowser; U; Windows Mobile; en-US; rv:1.7.3) Gecko/20040910

  2. Make note of the browser (yourDeviceBrowser) and platform (Windows Mobile) values.

  3. In a text editor, open the UserAgentMapping.xml file, located in SYBASE\tomcat\wepapps\onepage\fw\properties, and add an entry for the browser and platform, similar to:

    <UserAgent clientpattern="YourDeviceBrowser" platform="Windows Mobile">    <NavStyle name="Phone-WML"/>    <Content name="WAP-WML" type="text/    vnd.wap.wml"/> </UserAgent>

  4. Save and close the file, and try again.

Having problems capturing HTTPS applications

Edit (see Chapter 9, “Configuring Global Properties”):

  • Set the secure property to on.

  • Set the use_https property to on.

See “Data confidentiality and integrity” for more information.

Created a Web service application, but it does not show up on a Blackberry device

Check the parameters and make sure the Enable Grid Rule check box is selected. Also, when you select Enable Grid Rule, you must select or define a content XSLT and provide input parameters. See the Unwired Accelerator Developer’s Guide for information about creating Web service applications.

How do I use the ACX option when building portlets using a UNIX/Linux UA installation?

To use the ACX option on UNIX when you create one-click capture applications, the ActiveX processing must be delegated to a remote Windows machine that has UA installed. Specifically:

  1. Install UA on a Solaris box. See the Unwired Accelerator Installation Guide.

  2. Install UA on a Windows machine. See the Unwired Accelerator Installation Guide.

  3. Edit (see Chapter 9, “Configuring Global Properties”):

    • Set the acx property to remote. On UNIX, this property defaults to none, and on Windows, the default is local.

    • Set to the URL of the host (for example, on Tomcat, or on EAServer.

      Leave the acx.servlet.url property as is (default is /onepage/servlet/ACX).

    • Restart the UNIX UA installation.

    Now you can use the ACX option when building applications using the UNIX UA installation. See the Unwired Accelerator Developer’s Guide.

Copyright © 2005. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. Production problems

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