Overview  Portal Interface accounts

Chapter 3: User Accounts

Mobile Web Studio accounts

This section describes how to create, modify, and delete Mobile Web Studio, Portal Interface, and mobile device user accounts from Mobile Web Studio; and how to reset passwords.

You may want to work out a process for reset a password. By default, the Portal Interface user’s request is sent from the Portal Interface (Reset Password link) to the e-mail address or addresses listed in the global.properties.xml property, resetPasswordEmail. Once the request is received, use the procedure in “Resetting passwords for user accounts” to reset the password.

StepsCreating new user accounts

  1. Log in to Mobile Web Studio as StudioAdmin (such as the masuper account).

  2. Select Manage | Users/Roles from the menu in the left pane, and select Users from the Accelerator Manager pane as shown in Figure 3-1.

    Figure 3-1: Managing UA users

  3. Select New from the toolbar.

  4. When the Create New User window displays, complete the required fields.

  5. Click Save. The new user displays in the list of available users.

  6. Log out of Mobile Web Studio.

  7. Log in as the new user to test the account. If you are logging on to another resource, specify the resource ID when logging in.

  8. Create some applications and pages to use the permissions that were granted to this user.

StepsModifying existing user accounts

  1. Log in to Mobile Web Studio as StudioAdmin (such as the masuper account).

  2. Select Manage | Users/Roles from the menu in the left pane.

  3. Select Users.

  4. Select an existing user from the list of users, and select Edit from the toolbar.

  5. When the User Editor window displays, complete the required fields.

  6. Click Save. The updated user displays in the list of available users.

StepsResetting passwords for user accounts

  1. Log in to Mobile Web Studio as StudioAdmin (such as the masuper account).

  2. Select Manage | Users/Roles from the menu in the left pane.

  3. Select Users.

  4. Select an existing user from the list of users, and select Edit from the toolbar.

  5. When the User Editor window displays, select Password.

  6. Select Yes to confirm.

  7. Click Save, and click OK to confirm. The update user displays in the list of available users. An e-mail message is sent to the user with the new password.

StepsDeleting user accounts

  1. Log in to Mobile Web Studio as StudioAdmin (such as the masuper account).

  2. Select Manage | Users/Roles from the menu in the left pane.

  3. Select Users.

  4. Select an existing user from the list of users, and click Delete on the toolbar.

  5. Click OK to confirm. The user is removed from the list of available users.

NoteWhen you delete a Mobile Web Studio user, you do not delete templates, applications, pages, and so forth that are owned by the user. You must run the PortalCleanup utility to clean up these entries in the PortalDB.

StepsCleaning up the PortalDB

When you delete a Mobile Web Studio user, you do not delete templates, applications, pages, and so forth that are owned by the user (in some cases you may not want to delete these things if they are use in applications used by other users). Over time you may want or need to clean up the database tables. Use the PortalCleanup utility to clean up these entries in the database tables.

  1. Navigate to the PortalCleanup.bat script located in: SYBASE\tomcat\webapps\onepage\config if you are using Tomcat. If you are using EAServer, the script is located in SYBASE\EAServer\Repository\WebApplication\onepage\config.

  2. Make sure the JAVA_HOME environment variable is set; for example, set to SYBASE\jdk.1.4.

  3. Execute this command, substituting a the user’s login name for user:

    % PortalCleanup -webapproot SYBASE\tomcat\webapps\onepage user

    The script uses a com.sybase.ep.utils.PortalCleanup utility to access the PortalDB and remove all references to the given login name.

Copyright © 2005. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. Portal Interface accounts

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