Troubleshooting resource configuration  M-Business Anywhere setup

Chapter 8: Troubleshooting

Unwired Accelerator login problems

Table 8-3 identifies common Unwired Accelerator login problems and provides troubleshooting information.

Table 8-3: Troubleshooting Unwired Accelerator problems


Try this

Cannot log in to Mobile Web Studio - blank screen after entering user name and password

After you enter your user name and password to log in to Mobile Web Studio, you see a mostly blank screen prompting you to enter the user name and password again and you see in this text in the status bar:


Option 1 – Browser. Configure the browser to accept cookies.

  1. In Internet Explorer, select Tools | Internet Options.

  2. In the Internet Options window, select the Privacy tab, then click Advanced.

  3. Verify that the options are set to accept cookies. Click OK to exit the window.

  4. Click OK to close the Internet Options window.

Option 2– Browser. Remove any special characters from the host name or domain name. Some browsers cannot properly store and retrieve cookies for a site with special characters in the site’s name, so the browser never sends back cookies to that site.

Change the name of the machine, or change the browser’s character encoding to a character set that does contain special characters.

Option 3 – EAServer. Change the Web container’s proxy settings. During container login, the Web container uses HTTP 302 redirects to display the login form, authenticate the user, then take the browser to protected content. A cookie must be passed along with these 302 redirects, so it is important that you configure the Web container so that the 302 redirects appears to be identical to the URL address that set the cookie.

  1. Start and connect to EAServer Manager.

  2. Once you connect, select EAServer Manager | Servers.

  3. Right-click Jaguar and select Server Properties.

  4. When the Server Properties window displays, select the HTTP Config tab.

  5. In the Domain Name field, enter the host name + domain.

  6. Verify that the Proxy HTTP Port and the Proxy HTTPS Port match the listeners configured for EAServer (Jaguar) and in

  7. Click OK.

  8. Right-click Jaguar and select Refresh to implement any changes you made.

  9. Select File | Exit to close Jaguar Manager.

Cannot log in to Mobile Web Studio – persistent problem

Check the security.log file for more details. Change the logging level from INFO to DEBUG in JAGUAR\java\classes\, restart EAServer and try to log in into Mobile Web Studio. Debug output in the security.log file should point to the cause of the failure.

User forgets password – Portal Interface users

If you are using CSI with the PortalDB security provider, instruct users to select Reset Password on the Portal Interface login screen.

  • If a valid e-mail address is provided for the resetPasswordEmail property in, the PortalAdmin user is notified. The PortalAdmin user requests a new password for the user through Mobile Web Studio, and UA generates a new password and notifies the users via an e-mail message.

  • If a valid e-mail address is not provided, you must have a manual process in place to notify the PortalAdmin user to request a new password for the user.

If you are using CSI with LDAP, you must manage security from the LDAP security provider, and then duplicate the change in Mobile Web Studio.

If you are using Enterprise Security, you must manage security from EAServer Manager.

User forgets password – Mobile Web Studio users

If you are using CSI with PortalDB:

  • Mobile Web Studio users can change their passwords from the Account Info link in Mobile Web Studio. Unwired Accelerator sends an e-mail notification to the user’s e-mail address.

  • StudioAdmin users can request a new password for a user through Mobile Web Studio. Unwired Accelerator sends an e-mail notification to the user’s e-mail address.

If you are using CSI with LDAP, you must manage security from the LDAP security provider, and then duplicate the change in Mobile Web Studio.

If you are using Enterprise Security, you must manage security from EAServer Manager.

Copyright © 2005. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. M-Business Anywhere setup

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