Make cosmetic changes to the first DataWindow object


Now you can make cosmetic changes to the DataWindow. You reposition the columns and column headings to make room for the hand pointer, which displays to the left of the currently selected row. You also move some of the columns to make them line up with their headings.

You make these changes in the Design view. You can keep the Preview view open at the same time to see how the changes you make affect the appearance of the DataWindow at runtime.

  1. Select Edit>Select>Select All from the menu bar


    Press Ctrl+A.

    All of the controls in the DataWindow object are selected in the Design view.

  2. Position the mouse pointer over one of the selected objects.

    Drag the object to the right about one inch.

    All of the selected objects move together.

  3. Click in a blank area in the Design view.

    You clear the object selection.

  4. Click the Customer ID header above the Header band.

    Hold down the Ctrl key and click the id column above the Detail band.

    Release the Ctrl key and drag the id column to the left about one-half inch.

    The column and its header move together.

  5. Click the Center button in the StyleBar.

    Click in a blank area in the Design view.

    Center button

    This centers the Customer ID column header text and the column data.

  6. Click the First Name header.

    Hold down the Ctrl key and click the Last Name and Company Name headers.

    Click the Left button in the StyleBar.

    Left button

    When you have finished, the Design view should look something like this:

    Shown is the Design view. The horizontal Heading band at the top includes the headings Customer I D, First Name, Last Name, and Company Name. They are left justified in their boxes and all headers have been shifted farther right. The Detail band below the Header band displays the column names i d , f name, l name, and company _ name. All are aligned with their headings.
  7. Select File>Close from the menu bar.

    A message box asks if you want to save your changes.

  8. Click Yes.

    PowerBuilder saves the DataWindow object and closes the DataWindow painter.