To replicate tables that have text indexes, follow these guidelines:
Create the table definition in the destination database.
Run the installevent script to create the text_events table in the destination database, if the text_events table does not already exist (see “Running the installevent Script”).
Run sp_create_text_index to create the text index on the empty table in the destination database (see “Creating the Text Index and Index Table”).
Create triggers for running sp_refresh_text_index to insert entries into the text_events table whenever you insert, update, or delete data into the table (see “Propagating Changes to the Text Index”).
Create the replication definition in the Replication Server. This replicates all the data in the source table to the destination table. Refer to the “Replication Server Administration Guide” for more details.
Run sp_text_notify to update the text index; run sp_text_notify periodically to process changes to the destination table (see “Propagating Changes to the Text Index”).
You must issue an update against
a non-text column whenever a writetext command
is performed. This ensures that the trigger that inserts data into
the text_events table is fired.