Checks the current database for names that contain characters not in the 7-bit ASCII set.
Looking for non 7-bit ASCII characters in the system tables of database: "master" =============================================================== Table.Column name: "syslogins.password" The following logins have passwords that contain non 7-bit ASCII characters. If you wish to change them use "sp_password"; Remember, only the sa and the login itself may examine or change the syslogins.password column: suid name ------ ------------------------------ 1 sa 2 probe 3 bogususer
sp_checknames examines the names of all objects, columns, indexes, user names, group names, and other elements in the current database for characters outside of the 7-bit ASCII set. It reports illegal names and gives instructions to make them compatible with the 7-bit ASCII set.
Run sp_checknames in every database on your server after upgrading from a SQL Server of release 4.0.x or 4.2.x, and after using a default character set that was not 7-bit ASCII.
Follow the instructions in the sp_checknames report to correct all non-ASCII names.
Any user can execute sp_checknames.
Commands update
System procedures sp_password, sp_rename, sp_renamedb