

Changes the name of a user-created object or user-defined datatype in the current database.


sp_rename objname, newname [,“index” | “column”]



is the original name of the user-created object (table, view, column, stored procedure, index, trigger, default, rule, check constraint, referential constraint, or user-defined datatype). If the object to be renamed is a column in a table, objname must be in the form “table.column”. If the object is an index, objname must be in the form “table.indexname”.


is the new name of the object or datatype. The name must conform to the rules for identifiers and must be unique to the current database.


specifies that the object you are renaming is an index, not a column. This argument allows you to rename an index that has the same name as a column, without dropping and re-creating the index.


specifies that the object you are renaming is a column, not an index. This argument is part of the same option as the index argument.


Example 1

Renames the titles table to books:

sp_rename titles, books

Example 2

Renames the title column in the books table to bookname:

sp_rename "books.title", bookname

Example 3

Renames the titleind index in the books table to titleindex:

sp_rename "books.titleind", titleindex

Example 4

Renames the user-defined datatype tid to bookid:

sp_rename tid, bookid

Example 5

renames the title_id index in the titles table to isbn.

sp_rename "titles.title_id", isbn, "index"



Only the Database Owner or a System Administrator can use the setuser command to assume another database user’s identity to rename objects owned by other users. All users can execute sp_rename to rename their own objects.

See also

System procedures sp_depends, sp_rename