

Displays information about database object dependencies—the view(s), trigger(s), and procedure(s)—in the database that depend on a specified table or view, and the table(s) and view(s) in the database on which the specified view, trigger, or procedure depends.


sp_depends objname[, column_name]



is the name of the table, view, Transact-SQL stored procedure, SQLJ stored procedure, SQLJ function, or trigger to be examined for dependencies. You cannot specify a database name. Use owner names if the object owner is not the user running the command and is not the Database Owner.


is the name of the column to be examined for dependencies.


Example 1

Lists the database objects that depend on the table sysobjects:

sp_depends sysobjects

Example 2

Lists the database objects that depend on the titleview view, and the database objects on which the titleview view depends:

sp_depends titleview

Things that the object references in the current database.
object          type        updated selected
--------------  ----------- ------- -----
dbo.authors     user table  no      no
dbo.titleauthor user table  no      no
dbo.titles      user table  no      no
Things inside the current database that reference the object.
object          type 
------------    --------------- 
dbo.tview2      view

Example 3

Lists the database objects that depend on the titles table owned by the user “mary”. The quotes are needed, since the period is a special character:

sp_depends "mary.titles"

Example 4

The following example shows the column-level dependencies for all columns of the sysobjects table:

sp_depends sysobjects

Things inside the current database that reference the object.
object                                   type
---------------------------------------- ----------------
dbo.sp_dbupgrade                         stored procedure
dbo.sp_procxmode                         stored procedure

Dependent objects that reference all columns in the table. Use sp_depends on each column to get more information.
Columns referenced in stored procedures, views or triggers are not included in this report.

Column           Type         Object Names or Column Names
----------------------- ------------ ------------------------------
cache            permission   column permission
ckfirst          permission   column permission
crdate           permission   column permission
deltrig          permission   column permission
expdate          permission   column permission
id               index        sysobjects (id)
id               logical RI   From syscolumns (id) To sysobjects (id)
id               logical RI   From syscomments (id) To sysobjects (id)
id               logical RI   From sysdepends (id) To sysobjects (id)
id               logical RI   From sysindexes (id) To sysobjects (id)
id               logical RI   From syskeys (depid) To sysobjects (id)
id               logical RI   From syskeys (id) To sysobjects (id)
id               logical RI   From sysobjects (id) To sysprocedures (id)
id               logical RI    From sysobjects (id) To sysprotects (id)
id               logical RI   sysobjects (id)
id               permission   column permission
indexdel         permission   column permission
instrig          permission   column permission
loginame         permission   column permission
name             index        ncsysobjects (name, uid)
name             permission   column permission
objspare         permission   column permission
schemacnt        permission   column permission
seltrig          permission   column permission
sysstat          permission   column permission
sysstat2         permission   column permission
type             permission   column permission
uid              index        ncsysobjects (name, uid)
uid              logical RI   From sysobjects (uid) To sysusers (uid)
uid              permission   column permission
updtrig          permission   column permission
userstat         permission   column permission
versionts        permission   column permission

Example 5

The following example shows more details about the column-level dependencies for the id column of the sysobjects table:

sp_depends sysobjects, id

Things inside the current database that reference the object.
object                                             type
------------------------------------               -------------
dbo.sp_dbupgrade                                   stored procedure
dbo.sp_procxmode                                   stored procedure
Dependent objects that reference column id.
Columns referenced in stored procedures, views or triggers are not included in this report.
Type          Property     Object Names or Column Names
                           Also see/Use command
----------   ---------     ----------------------------------
index         index       sysobjects (id)
                          sp_helpindex, drop index,
                          sp_helpconstraint, alter table drop constraint
logical RI    primary     sysobjects (id)
                          sp_helpkey, sp_dropkey
logical RI    foreign     From syskeys (id) To sysobjects (id)
                          sp_helpkey, sp_dropkey
logical RI    common      From syscolumns (id) To sysobjects (id)
                          sp_helpkey, sp_dropkey
logical RI    common      From sysdepends (id) To sysobjects (id)
                          sp_helpkey, sp_dropkey
logical RI    common      From sysindexes (id) To sysobjects (id)
                          sp_helpkey, sp_dropkey
logical RI    common      From syskeys (depid) To sysobjects (id)
                          sp_helpkey, sp_dropkey
logical RI    common      From syscomments (id) To sysobjects (id)
                          sp_helpkey, sp_dropkey
logical RI    common      From sysobjects (id) To sysprotects (id)
                          sp_helpkey, sp_dropkey
logical RI    common      From sysobjects (id) To sysprocedures (id)
                          sp_helpkey, sp_dropkey
permission    permission  column permission
                          sp_helprotect, grant/revoke

Example 6

The following example shows the column-level dependencies for all columns of the user-created table, titles:

1> sp_depends titlesThings inside the current database that reference the object.
object                                type
-----------------------------------  ---------------
dbo.deltitle                          trigger
dbo.history_proc                      stored procedure
dbo.title_proc                        stored procedure
dbo.titleid_proc                      stored procedure
dbo.titleview                         view
dbo.totalsales_trig                   trigger

Dependent objects that reference all columns in the table. Use sp_depends on each column to get more information.
Columns referenced in stored procedures, views or triggers are not included in this report.

Column     Type         Object Names or Column Names
------     -----        ----------------------------------------
pub_id     logical RI   From titles (pub_id) To publishers (pub_id)
pubdate    default      datedflt
title      index        titleind (title)
title      statistics   (title)
title_id   index        titleidind (title_id)
title_id   logical RI   From roysched (title_id) To titles (title_id)
title_id   logical RI   From salesdetail (title_id) To titles (title_id)
title_id   logical RI   From titleauthor (title_id) To titles (title_id)
title_id   logical RI   titles (title_id)
title_id   rule         title_idrule
title_id   statistics   (title_id)
type       default      typedflt

Example 7

The following example shows more details about the column-level dependencies for the pub_id column of the user-created titles table:

sp_depends titles, pub_id

Things inside the current database that reference the object.
object                                  type
------------------------------------    ----------------
dbo.deltitle                            trigger
dbo.history_proc                        stored procedure
dbo.title_proc                          stored procedure
dbo.titleid_proc                        stored procedure
dbo.titleview                           view
dbo.totalsales_trig                     trigger
Dependent objects that reference column pub_id.
Columns referenced in stored procedures, views or triggers are not
included in this report.
Type          Property    Object Names or Column Names
                          Also see/Use command
----------    ---------   ---------------------
logical RI    foreign     From titles (pub_id) To publishers (pub_id)
                          sp_helpkey, sp_dropkey



Any user can execute sp_depends.

See also

Commands create procedure, create table, create view, execute

System procedures sp_help