load transaction


Loads a backup copy of the transaction log that was created with dump transaction.


load tran[saction] database_name
	from [compress::]stripe_device
		[at backup_server_name ]
		[density = density_value, 
		blocksize = number_bytes, 
		dumpvolume = volume_name,
		file = file_name]
	[stripe on [compress::]stripe_device
		[at backup_server_name ]
		[density = density_value, 
		blocksize = number_bytes,
		dumpvolume = volume_name,
		file = file_name]
	[[stripe on [compress::]stripe_device
		[at backup_server_name ]
		[density = density_value, 
		blocksize = number_bytes, 
		dumpvolume = volume_name,
		file = file_name]]...]
	[with { 
		density = density_value, 
		blocksize = number_bytes, 
		dumpvolume = volume_name,
		file = file_name,
		[dismount | nodismount],
		[nounload | unload],
		listonly [= full],
		notify = {client | operator_console}
		until_time = datetime}]]



is the name of the database to receive data from a dumped backup copy of the transaction log. The log segment of the receiving database must be at least as large as the log segment of the dumped database. The database name can be specified as a literal, a local variable, or a parameter of a stored procedure.


invokes the decompression of the archived transaction log. See Chapter 27, “Backing Up and Restoring User Databases” in the System Administration Guide for more information about the compress option.

from stripe_device

is the name of the dump device from which you are loading the transaction log. For information about the form to use when specifying a dump device, see “Specifying dump devices”. For a list of supported dump devices, see the Adaptive Server installation and configuration guides.

at backup_server_name

is the name of a remote Backup Server running on the machine to which the dump device is attached. For platforms that use interfaces files, the backup_server_name must appear in the interfaces file.

density = density_value

overrides the default density for a tape device. This option is ignored.

blocksize = number_bytes

overrides the default block size for a dump device. If you specify a block size on UNIX systems, it should be identical to that used to make the dump.

dumpvolume = volume_name

is the volume name field of the ANSI tape label. load transaction checks this label when the tape is opened and generates an error message if the wrong volume is loaded.

stripe on stripe_device

is an additional dump device. You can use up to 32 devices, including the device named in the to stripe_device clause. The Backup Server loads data from all devices concurrently, reducing the time and the number of volume changes required. See “Specifying dump devices” for information about how to specify a dump device.

dismount | nodismount

on platforms that support logical dismount – determines whether tapes remain mounted. By default, all tapes used for a load are dismounted when the load completes. Use nodismount to keep tapes available for additional loads or dumps.

nounload | unload

determines whether tapes rewind after the load completes. By default, tapes do not rewind, allowing you to make additional loads from the same tape volume. Specify unload for the last dump file to be loaded from a multidump volume. This rewinds and unloads the tape when the load completes.

file = file_name

is the name of a particular database dump on the tape volume. If you did not record the dump file names at the time you made the dump, use listonly to display information about all the dump files.

listonly [ = full]

displays information about all the dump files on a tape volume, but does not load the transaction log. listonly identifies the database and device, the date and time the dump was made, and the date and time it can be overwritten. listonly = full provides additional details about the dump. Both reports are sorted by ANSI tape label.

After listing the files on a volume, the Backup Server sends a volume change request. The operator can either mount another tape volume or terminate the list operation for all dump devices.

In the current implementation, listonly overrides headeronly.

WARNING! Do not use load transaction with listonly on 1/4-inch cartridge tape.


displays header information for a single dump file, but does not load the database. headeronly displays information about the first file on the tape unless you use the file = file_name option to specify another file name. The dump header indicates:

notify = {client | operator_console}

overrides the default message destination.


loads the transaction log up to a specified time in the transaction log. Only transactions committed before the specified time are saved to the database.


Example 1

Loads the transaction log for the database pubs2 tape:

load transaction pubs2 
    from "/dev/nrmt0"

Example 2

Loads the transaction log for the pubs2 database, using the Backup Server REMOTE_BKP_SERVER:

load transaction pubs2
        from "/dev/nrmt4" at REMOTE_BKP_SERVER
    stripe on "/dev/nrmt5" at REMOTE_BKP_SERVER
    stripe on "/dev/nrmt0" at REMOTE_BKP_SERVER

Example 3

Loads the transaction log for pubs2, up to March 20, 1997, at 10:51:43:866 a.m:

load transaction pubs2
    from "/dev/ntmt0"
    with until_time = "mar 20, 1997 10:51:43:866am"



Restoring a database

Recovering a database to a specified time

Locking users out during loads

Upgrading database and transaction log dumps

Specifying dump devices

Backup Servers

Volume names

Changing dump volumes

Restoring the system databases

Disk mirroring


SQL92 – Compliance level: Transact-SQL extension.


load transaction permission defaults to the Database Owner and operators. It is not transferable.

See also

Commands disk unmirror, dump database, dump transaction, load database, online database

System procedures sp_dboption, sp_helpdb, sp_helpdevice, sp_volchanged