Lesson 2: Deploying to M-Business Anywhere

In this lesson, you will learn how to set up a mobile application to prepare it for deployment to M-Business Anywhere. You can deploy a mobile application to M-Business Anywhere using any of three methods:

NoteBefore you begin, you must have Unwired Accelerator running and have a connection established in WorkSpace. See “Starting and connecting to the Unwired Accelerator server”.

  1. Create a new M-Business group:

    1. Select Window|Show View|M-Business from the WorkSpace main menu.

    2. In the M-Business view that displays, right-click MyMobileServer/Group Channels and select New|Group from the context menu.

    3. When the Create New Group dialog box opens, complete these options:

      • Connection Profile – select MyMobileServer.

      • Name – enter List Items.

      • Description – enter List all items.

      • Type – select Managed.

  2. Click OK.

  3. In the WorkSpace Navigator, right-click the ListAlltems_usingSelect mobile application and select Deploy to Mobile Devices from the context menu.

    The New Mobile Deployment wizard appears.

  4. Select Deploy Mobile Application to M-Business and Create Group Channel, then click Next.

    The Group Channel Wizard opens.

  5. Complete these options:

    Click Next.

  6. Click Finish to deploy the mobile application to M-Business Anywhere. You have finished deploying a mobile application to M-Business Anywhere.