Chapter 13 Impact and Lineage Analysis

Analysis rule properties

The following properties are available for each analysis rule:

Property Description
E [Enable] Enables the rule for use in the analysis.
Action Specifies the action on the metaclass, which triggers the application of the rule. Select or enter an action in the list. You can also create a user-defined action (see Creating a user-defined action). For lineage analysis rules, "Lineage" is the only possible value.
Collection Specifies the name of the metaclass collection on which the rule is applied. Select a collection from the list. For more information about collections (see Understanding dependencies).
Effect Specifies the effect propagated to objects in the collection. Select or enter an action in the list. You can also create a user-defined action (see Creating a user-defined action). For lineage analysis rules, "Lineage" is the only possible value.
L [Replace Link Object by Extremity] Hides the link in the IAM Browser and diagram and/or in the preview tree in order to simplify the display and view only the link extremity.
R [Recursive] Propagates the effect recursively to the dependent objects of the objects in the collection.


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