Chapter 13 Impact and Lineage Analysis

Impact and Lineage tab tools

The following tools are available on the preview Impact and Lineage tab:

Tool Description

Properties – Opens the property sheet of the selected item.

Add Initial Objects – Opens an object selection dialog box to let you add objects to analyze.

Re-Analyze – Recalculates the dependent or influencing objects of the initial object using the analysis rule sets. Since this tool applies only to the initial object, you must select the root object to re-analyze the entire tree.

Check out Dependencies from Repository – If the current model contains links to other closed models that are checked in into the repository, checks out these dependencies. For more information, see Understanding cross-model dependencies during the analysis.

In addition, there are many actions available from the item's contextual menu in the tree (see Refining an Impact and Lineage Analysis and Working with Analysis Rule Sets Resource Files).

Note   Multiple dependent objects
If an object is dependent multiple times then, for performance reasons, only the first entry is displayed in detail in the tree. You can right-click subsequent undeveloped entries and select Go to First Occurrence to jump to this first occurrence.


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