Chapter 7 Reports

Selecting Report Items

The Available Items pane of the Report Editor lists the items that you can add to your report. The following kinds of report items are available:

Icon Description

Table of contents – Inserts a table of contents. PowerDesigner automatically inserts a following page break.

Title - Free text to introduce what is next.

Paragraph – the following types are available, depending on the context:

  • Text paragraph – free text that can be inserted anywhere
  • Description – contents of the Description sub-tab of the Notes tab of the model or object property sheet
  • Annotation – contents of the Annotation sub-tab of the Notes tab of the model or object property sheet
  • Other – text paragraphs are available as necessary to display code preview, scripts, validation rules, etc

Text file – Inserts the contents of a text file, selected via a file chooser.

Graphical file - Inserts the contents of a graphics file, selected via a file chooser.

Page break – Inserts a page break. Right-click the inserted item and deselect Generate in HTML to disable it when generating HTML reports.

Card – Inserts a table listing the properties of the model or package. Right-click the item after insertion and select Layout to control the properties listed (see Controlling the layout of card report items)

List - Inserts a table listing the objects of a given type belonging to the model or another object. Right-click the item after insertion and select Layout to control the properties listed (see Controlling the layout of list report items)

Graphics – Inserts an image of a diagram.

Book – Inserts a set of sub-items to report on a particular type of object. May contain cards, lists, text items, graphics, and other books as necessary.

When you add a book item to a report, you automatically add its dependent items. You can delete any dependent item that you do not need.

In the following example, the Available Items pane lists report items available for an Information Liquidity Model (ILM), divided into independent items, and those that provide model- and object-specific information:


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