Chapter 5 Objects

Pasting a shortcut

You can copy a shortcut and paste it in another model or package, the result is a shortcut with the same properties as the original shortcut.

You can use the drag and drop feature for shortcut creation by:

For more information about selecting, shortcut creation as the default drag and drop behavior see Dragging and dropping objects.

You can paste a shortcut into the following PowerDesigner targets:

For more information about shortcuts, see "Shortcuts"in the Shortcuts and Object Replications chapter.

Pasting in a diagram

When you paste a shortcut into a diagram the result is the following:

Shortcut source Paste result
Same model or package
Same diagram
New graphical synonym of shortcut
No object creation
Same model or package
Different diagram
New shortcut symbol or graphical synonym
No object creation
Different model or package If the shortcut does not exist, a shortcut with its symbol are created

If the shortcut already exists without a symbol, symbol is created

If a shortcut and a symbol already exist, a graphical synonym is created

For more information about synonyms, see section Creating a Graphical Synonym for an Object.

Steps To paste a shortcut:

  1. Select Edit→Paste.

    Note   Disabled paste
    You cannot paste a shortcut in a model or a package where the same shortcut already exists.


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