Chapter 5 Objects

Pasting an object as a shortcut

When you copy an object you can also paste it as a shortcut in a referencing model or package.

For more information about shortcuts, see "Shortcuts"in the Shortcuts and Object Replications chapter.

You can paste an object as a shortcut into:

The paste as shortcut feature works according to the following rules:

Paste destination
If a shortcut already exists If a shortcut does not exist

List of objects
Nothing happens Shortcut created
Same model or package but different diagram Nothing happens Nothing happens
Same model or package and same diagram Nothing happens Nothing happens
Different model or package Symbol created if there was no symbol

Graphical synonym created if symbol already existed
Shortcut + symbol created

Steps To paste an object as a shortcut:

  1. Select Edit→Paste As Shortcut.


    Right-click the Browser target or the diagram window and select Edit→Paste As Shortcut from the contextual menu.

    Note   Drag and drop + ctrl+shift
    When you hold down the ctrl and shift keys during a drag and drop operation, you obtain the same result as a paste as shortcut operation.


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