Chapter 6 Managing Models

Check model parameter tools

The following tools are available in the Check Model Parameters dialog box:

Tool Description

Select All – Click the arrow to the right of this tool to choose to select all checks, all error checks, or all warning checks.

Deselect All - Click the arrow to the right of this tool to choose to deselect all checks, all error checks, or all warning checks.

Error – Sets the selected check to error level. The check icon will change accordingly. When errors are encountered, any model generation is stopped.

Warning - Sets the selected check to error level. The check icon will change accordingly. Warnings do not prevent generation from your model.

Automatic correction – [enabled if automatic correction is available for the selected check] Enables automatic correction for the selected check. The check icon will change to bear a small red cross in its bottom-right corner.

You should be aware of how automatic corrections can affect your models. For example, in a PDM, if a column code length is longer than the length specified in the MaxColumnLen field in the DBMS, then PowerDesigner can automatically truncate the code to the specified length. However, such truncation can make create duplicate names and PowerDesigner will automatically rename the duplicated column code. If you do not want this to occur, you should deselect automatic correction for column code uniqueness.

All problems that can not be corrected automatically must be corrected manually. For example, in a PDM, PowerDesigner will not create a column for an existing index, and you will need to create the appropriate column.


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