Chapter 6 Managing Models

Correcting errors in the check model Modeling Result List

When errors and warnings are encountered during model checking, they are listed in the Check Model Modeling Result List pane. You can correct the problems either by invoking a automatic correction (if available) or by opening the property sheet of the affected object and correcting it manually.

The following tools are available to assist you in correcting problems with your model. If this toolbar is not displayed, select Tools→Customize Toolbars, select Check, and click OK.

Tool Description

Correct error – Opens the property sheet of the affected object to allow you to correct the error.

Display help – Provides documentation for the error or warning.

Check again – Re-performs the check, to allow you to verify your correction.

Automatic correction – Only available if an automatic correction is defined for this kind of error. Performs the automated correction.

First error – Goes to the first error in the list.

Previous error - Goes to the previous error in the list.

Next error - Goes to the next error in the list.

Last error - Goes to the last error in the list.

Note   Right click menu
These and other options are also available by right-clicking an item in the Check Model Modeling Result List.


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